
Studio News

21 September 2023

Helping spread a message of support for the YES vote in the upcoming referendum on a First Nations Voice to Parliament.

Hundredweight are proud to participate in Create Yes along with a cohort of Australian creatives showing their support for the YES vote in the referendum on a First Nations Voice to Parliament on 14 Oct 2023. Check out some of the YES’s we created below and visit create-yes.org or Yes23 to see how you can get involved.

As @paulkelly put so eloquently… ‘This country is my home. This beautiful country, unique in all the world. Our First Australians looked after it and shaped it for over 60,000 years and, in doing so, developed a rich and complex culture that is a gift to us all…

That this gift and this deep history have not yet been recognised in our founding document seems to me a huge hole in our soul. And a big knock to our idea of ourselves as the land of the fair go. Recognition is not achieved with fine sounding words and feel-good statements but by promising to listen…

I understand there are many different points of view. Some say that a Yes vote will divide us. But I believe this referendum is an invitation to join together and that saying yes will make us a more complete nation.’

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